I used this planner in 2021 and I loved it. I bought fun pens for it and kept up with it almost daily. It’s super cute. It has spaces for each day, a monthly calendar view, fun stickers, and at the end of each month, there’s a series of reflective questions to answer and goals for the upcoming month. I also follow Adam JK on IG, and he’s pretty great. I saved my 2021 planner and when I’m done with this one, I’ll definitely save it too. I think it’d be an interesting way to go back and see what I was going through at that specific time, share it with my kids when they’re older, you know – sentimental shit like that 🙂

Live, Laugh, Log – Twin Peaks Mug
This was part of a secret Santa gift this year. I saw it on Etsy when I was trying to come up with ideas for my secret santa and it instantly caught my eye. Twin Peaks is one my most favorite of Lynch creations. I watched all of it on Netflix a few years ago. I did struggle to watch the new season they released – and never finished it – but I may go back and give it another try someday. Either way, I’ve been drinking “damn good coffee” out of this beaut since I got it.

Hot Ghoul Summer zine by Angela Oster
I’ve been a fan of Angela Oster for years, since I found first stumbled upon her work during a Mab Grave’s dralloween. My sister, daughter, and I even took an on the whim trip to Ohio to go see her in person. She’s all around awesome. This was another item I put on my secret Santa list that I got this year. The zines are adorable and I read them to my kids. They both still really enjoy Little Vampire Girl. I highly recommend checking her out.

Citizens Cane Dog Rescue calendar
This is my mom and her friend’s senior dog rescue and this year they sold calendars to fundraise. I bought one for our new place in Tempe. We’re planning on putting it in the kids’ room to remind them of her since they spent so much time with her and the dogs she helped.

Betty Boop stickers from Lil Croissant
I love how Instagram has led me to so many talented artists, who do things like create art inspired by Betty Boop. I’ve been a huge fan of Betty Boop since I was a kid. I named my first dog after her dog, Pudgy. She’s great. Probably my all time favorite cartoon. (Not so) fun fact: Betty Boop was originally a Black woman, Esther Jones aka Baby Esther. A white woman, Helen Kane, stole her act and the credit for Betty Boop. This artist is no stranger to the history.

Side note: I also have a Betty Boop shirt created by Lil Croissant.
Grinch Kewpie Sticker by moonlitequeenartist
Did I mention how I love that Instagram has connected me with amazing artists? Well, moonlitequeen is another. She does Kewpie inspired art. I bought this cute grinch sticker for myself this holiday season. I put it on some Christmas wrapping paper, cut it out in a 5×7 square and framed it to use as Christmas décor.

And if you’re into grinch kewpies, please message me because we should probably be best friends, but also check out Acid Rain Artt
And for my practical purchase of the month, I bought one of these Carbon Monoxide detectors. Anxiety can take me to some pretty weird places, and worrying about a carbon monoxide leak in the house is one of them. It’s been something on my mind for awhile, and it usually arises at 2am when I can’t sleep and start thinking about scary scenarios. So this time, I just went ahead and bought on of these on Amazon. Super easy, just plugs into the wall. You’re technically supposed to have these in a few rooms in the house, so I’ll probably end up buying a couple more.
Another successful month for tchotchkes. What were some of your favorite little purchases or gifts that just made you go giggity? Let me know in the comments below 🙂
If you missed last month’s tchotchkes, you can check them out here.