May was a busy month. We started the home renovation project, the VCT tile install in our dining room/kitchen. We found out the material underneath the carpet contained asbestos, which led to an additional, unexpected procedure to have it removed. May was stressful (and expensive) to say the least. As far as fun May tchotchkes go, there weren’t as many as usual.
Barbie Rave Tickets
In May, I bought tickets to a Barbie Rave at the Van Buren in Phoenix. I kept seeing it suggested to me on Instagram so I decided to go for it. I asked a friend and a couple women I did a photo shoot with recently if they’d be interested. We got a small group together and made that happen on June 30th.

Revamped Logo
I reached out to the artist who designed the graphic on the home page of my blog to see if they could make a few edits I’d been wanting to have done. I was glad they were open and available to do it and I love how it turned out! We added a few more items around it (the book, camera, kewpie, beer, and cactus) and made a few other small changes. And I just have to say, Brainfkr is awesome.
Beyond these two fun splurges, we started planning for Micky’s Chuck E. Cheese birthday party in June. The kids and I also took a trip to visit family at the end of May. It was certainly an eventful month!
Click here to read more blog posts about my fave monthly tchotchkes 🙂